pio nixie NTP Client v2
本記事は「 nixieクロックにNTPクライアントの機能を追加する 」の第2版にあたる。 これは、wio-terminalのWiFiファームウェアのアップグレードに対する対応になる。(wio-terminalのファームウェア・アップデートについて(v2)(linux版))
NTPクライアントの機能を追加しているので、RTCのハードを追加する必要はない。 (ホストPCとしてはubuntuを想定している)
mkdir wiot-nixie-NTP
cd wiot-nixie-NTP
# 以下を実行して必要なファイルを作成する
pio init --board seeed_wio_terminal
# platformをupdateする
pio platform update
nano platformio.ini
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html
platform = atmelsam
board = seeed_wio_terminal
framework = arduino
build_flags = -DWIO_TERMINAL
upload_protocol = sam-ba
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_ldf_mode = deep+
lib_deps =
# 551
cd wiot-nixie-NTP
wget https://macsbug.files.wordpress.com/2020/05/wio_nixie_tube_clock.zip_-4.pdf
mv wio_nixie_tube_clock.zip_-4.pdf wio_nixie_tube_clock.zip
unzip wio_nixie_tube_clock.zip
cp Wio_nixie_tube_clock/*.* src/
// NTP Client part added on 2020/08/01 by xshige
//#include <AtWiFi.h>
#include <rpcWiFi.h>
#include <NTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
const char *ssid = "your_ssid";
const char *password = "your_passwd";
// derived/forked from http://mrkk.ciao.jp/memorandom/unixtime/unixtime.html
#define ARRAYSIZE(_arr) (sizeof(_arr) / sizeof(_arr[0]))
#define TIME_OFFSET 0
#define SECONDS_IN_A_DAY (24*60*60)
#define EPOCH_DAY (1969*365L + 1969/4 - 1969/100 + 1969/400 + 306) // days from 0000/03/01 to 1970/01/01
#define YEAR_ONE 365
#define YEAR_FOUR (YEAR_ONE * 4 + 1) // it is YEAR_ONE*4+1 so the maximum reminder of day / YEAR_FOUR is YEAR_ONE * 4 and it occurs only on 2/29
#define YEAR_100 (YEAR_FOUR * 25 - 1)
#define YEAR_400 (YEAR_100*4 + 1) // it is YEAR_100*4+1 so the maximum reminder of day / YEAR_400 is YEAR_100 * 4 and it occurs only on 2/29
void ConvertUnixTimeToLocalTime(uint64_t unixtime, uint32_t *pyear, uint8_t *pmonth, uint8_t *pday, uint8_t *phour, uint8_t *pminute, uint8_t *psecond) {
uint32_t unixday;
uint16_t year = 0;
uint8_t leap = 0;
uint32_t n;
uint8_t month, day, weekday;
uint8_t hour, minute, second;
static const uint16_t monthday[] = { 0,31,61,92,122,153,184,214,245,275,306,337 };
unixtime += TIME_OFFSET;
second = unixtime % 60;
minute = (unixtime / 60) % 60;
hour = (unixtime / 3600) % 24;
unixday = (uint32_t)(unixtime / SECONDS_IN_A_DAY);
weekday = (uint8_t)((unixday + 3) % 7); // because the unix epoch day is thursday
unixday += UNIX_EPOCH_DAY; // days from 0000/03/01 to 1970/01/01
year += 400 * (unixday / YEAR_400);
unixday %= YEAR_400;
n = unixday / YEAR_100;
year += n * 100;
unixday %= YEAR_100;
if (n == 4){
leap = 1;
} else {
year += 4 * (unixday / YEAR_FOUR);
unixday %= YEAR_FOUR;
n = unixday / YEAR_ONE;
year += n;
unixday %= YEAR_ONE;
if (n == 4) {
leap = 1;
if (leap != 0) {
month = 2;
day = 29;
else {
month = (unixday * 5 + 2) / 153;
day = unixday - monthday[month] + 1; //
month += 3;
if (month > 12) {
month -= 12;
*psecond = second;
*pminute = minute;
*phour = hour;
*pyear = year;
*pmonth = month;
*pday = day;
char *weekday[] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"};
uint32_t year;
uint8_t month, day, hour, minu, sec;
NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, "ntp.nict.jp", 3600*9, 60000); // set JST
// You can specify the time server pool and the offset, (in seconds)
// additionaly you can specify the update interval (in milliseconds).
// NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, "europe.pool.ntp.org", 3600, 60000);
// added NTP Client feature: 2020.08.01 xshige
// Woi Terminal nixie tube clock : 2020.05.25 macsbug
// https://macsbug.wordpress.com/2020/05/25/wio-nixie-tube-clock/
// M5Stack nixie tube clock : 2019.06.16 macsbug
// https://macsbug.wordpress.com/2019/06/16/m5stack-nixie-tube-clock/
// M5StickC Nixie tube Clock : 2019.06.06 macsbug
// https://macsbug.wordpress.com/2019/06/06/m5stickc-nixie-tube-clock/
// RTC DS3231 : https://wiki.52pi.com/index.php/Raspberry_Pi_Super_Capacitor_RTC(English)
// RTClib : https://www.arduinolibraries.info/libraries/rt-clib
// mode controll : 5 way switch
// mode 1 : yyyy_mmdd_hhmmss
// mode 2 : mmdd_hh_mmss
// mode 3 : mmdd_ss_hhmm
// rtc : DS3231, SDA1 = 2, SCL1= 3;
#include <SPI.h>
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();
#include <Wire.h>
//#include "RTClib.h"
//RTC_DS3231 rtc;
#include "vfd_18x34.c" // font 18px34
#include "vfd_35x67.c" // font 35x67
#include "vfd_70x134.c" // font 70px134
#include "apple_35x41.c" // icon 35px41
uint32_t targetTime = 0; // for next 1 second timeout
const uint8_t*n[] = { // vfd font 18x34
vfd_18x34_5,vfd_18x34_6,vfd_18x34_7,vfd_18x34_8,vfd_18x34_9 };
const uint8_t*m[] = { // vfd font 35x67
vfd_35x67_q,vfd_35x67_n };
const uint8_t*b[] = { // vfd font 70x134
vfd_70x134_q,vfd_70x134_n };
const char *monthName[12] = {
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
uint16_t yy;
uint8_t mn, dd, hh, mm, ss;
uint8_t md = 2; // mode 1, 2, 3
void setup() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
delay ( 500 );
Serial.print ( "." );
Wire.begin(SDA1,SCL1); delay(10);
rtc.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__)); // Set the PC time
// esp_timer_init();
// wifi_setup();
rtc_setup(); // Read the value of RTC
void loop() {
// if (targetTime < esp_timer_get_time()/1000 ){
// display current clock on serial port
&year, &month, &day, &hour, &minu, &sec);
Serial.printf("%4d/%02d/%02d(%s): %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n",
year, month, day, weekday[timeClient.getDay()], hour, minu, sec);
DateTime now = rtc.now();
yy = now.year();
mn = now.month();
dd = now.day();
hh = now.hour();
mm = now.minute();
ss = now.second();
yy = year;
mn = month;
dd = day;
hh = hour;
mm = minu;
ss = sec;
if(digitalRead(WIO_5S_PRESS) == LOW){ // mode change
if (md == 3){md = 1;tft.fillRect(1,1,317,236,TFT_BLACK);return;}
if (md == 2){md = 3;tft.fillRect(1,1,317,236,TFT_BLACK);return;}
if (md == 1){md = 2;tft.fillRect(1,1,317,236,TFT_BLACK);return;}
if ( md == 3 ){ hhmm();} // yyyy,mm,dd,ss,hh,mm
if ( md == 2 ){ yyyy_mmdd_hhmmss();} // yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,ss
if ( md == 1 ){ mmss();} // mm,ss
// periodic_ntp();
void rtc_setup(){
DateTime now = rtc.now(); // time geting from RTC
if (now.year() == 2165){ // rtc check
tft.print("RTC not installed");delay(2000);
tft.fillRect(1, 1, 317, 236, TFT_BLACK);
yy = now.year(); mn = now.month(); dd = now.day();
hh = now.hour(); mm = now.minute(); ss = now.second();
//Serial.printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",yy,mn,dd,hh,mm,ss);
tft.print("SET UP RTC");delay(2000);
tft.fillRect(1, 1, 317, 236, TFT_BLACK);
void yyyy_mmdd_hhmmss(){
int y1 = (yy / 1000) % 10; int y2 = (yy / 100) % 10;
int y3 = (yy / 10) % 10; int y4 = yy % 10;
int ma = (mn / 10) % 10; int mb = mn % 10;
int d1 = (dd / 10) % 10; int d2 = dd % 10;
int h1 = (hh / 10) % 10; int h2 = hh % 10;
int m1 = (mm / 10) % 10; int m2 = mm % 10;
int s1 = (ss / 10) % 10; int s2 = ss % 10;
//int p0 = 8; int x0 = 40; int t0 = 22; // icon
//tft.pushImage( p0 + 0*x0, t0, 35,41, (uint16_t *)apple_35x41);
int p1 = 80; int px1 = 40; int py1 = 5;
tft.pushImage( p1 + 0*px1, py1, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[y1]);
tft.pushImage( p1 + 1*px1, py1, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[y2]);
tft.pushImage( p1 + 2*px1, py1, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[y3]);
tft.pushImage( p1 + 3*px1, py1, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[y4]);
int p2 = 80; int px2 = 40; int py2 = 76;
tft.pushImage( p2 + 0*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[ma]);
tft.pushImage( p2 + 1*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[mb]);
//tft.drawPixel(118,13, ORANGE); tft.drawPixel(119,23,ORANGE);
tft.pushImage( p2 + 2*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[d1]);
tft.pushImage( p2 + 3*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[d2]);
int p3 = 2; int px3 = 40; int py3 = 150;
tft.pushImage( p3 + 0*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[h1]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 1*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[h2]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 2*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[10]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 3*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[m1]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 4*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[m2]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 5*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[10]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 6*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[s1]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 7*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[s2]);
if ( s1 == 0 && s2 == 0 ){ fade1();}
void mmss(){
int ma = (mn / 10) % 10; int mb = mn % 10;
int d1 = (dd / 10) % 10; int d2 = dd % 10;
int h1 = (hh / 10) % 10; int h2 = hh % 10;
int m1 = (mm / 10) % 10; int m2 = mm % 10;
int s1 = (ss / 10) % 10; int s2 = ss % 10;
int p0 = 8; int x0 = 40; int t0 = 22; // icon
tft.pushImage( p0 + 0*x0, t0, 35,41, (uint16_t *)apple_35x41);
int p2 = 65; int px2 = 40; int py2 = 10;
tft.pushImage( p2 + 0*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[ma]);
tft.pushImage( p2 + 1*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[mb]);
//tft.drawPixel(118,13, ORANGE); tft.drawPixel(119,23,ORANGE);
tft.pushImage( p2 + 2*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[d1]);
tft.pushImage( p2 + 3*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[d2]);
int p3 = 240; int px3 = 40; int py3 = 10;
tft.pushImage( p3 + 0*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[h1]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 1*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[h2]);
int p4 = 2; int px4 = 80; int py4 = 100;
tft.pushImage( p4 + 0*px4 , py4, 70,134, (uint16_t *)b[m1]);
tft.pushImage( p4 + 1*px4 -4, py4, 70,134, (uint16_t *)b[m2]);
//tft.drawPixel(155,150, ORANGE); tft.drawPixel(155,190,ORANGE);
tft.pushImage( p4 + 2*px4 +4, py4, 70,134, (uint16_t *)b[s1]);
tft.pushImage( p4 + 3*px4 , py4, 70,134, (uint16_t *)b[s2]);
if ( m1 == 0 && m2 == 0 ){ fade2();}
void hhmm(){
int ma = (mn / 10) % 10; int mb = mn % 10;
int d1 = (dd / 10) % 10; int d2 = dd % 10;
int h1 = (hh / 10) % 10; int h2 = hh % 10;
int m1 = (mm / 10) % 10; int m2 = mm % 10;
int s1 = (ss / 10) % 10; int s2 = ss % 10;
//int p0 = 8; int x0 = 40; int t0 = 22; // icon
//tft.pushImage( p0 + 0*x0, t0, 35,41, (uint16_t *)apple_35x41);
int p2 = 65; int px2 = 40; int py2 = 10;
tft.pushImage( p2 + 0*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[ma]);
tft.pushImage( p2 + 1*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[mb]);
//tft.drawPixel(118,13, ORANGE); tft.drawPixel(119,23,ORANGE);
tft.pushImage( p2 + 2*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[d1]);
tft.pushImage( p2 + 3*px2, py2, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[d2]);
int p3 = 240; int px3 = 40; int py3 = 10;
tft.pushImage( p3 + 0*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[s1]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 1*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[s2]);
int p4 = 2; int px4 = 80; int py4 = 100;
tft.pushImage( p4 + 0*px4 , py4, 70,134, (uint16_t *)b[h1]);
tft.pushImage( p4 + 1*px4 -4, py4, 70,134, (uint16_t *)b[h2]);
//tft.drawPixel( 155,150, ORANGE); tft.drawPixel(155,190,ORANGE);
tft.pushImage( p4 + 2*px4 +4, py4, 70,134, (uint16_t *)b[m1]);
tft.pushImage( p4 + 3*px4 , py4, 70,134, (uint16_t *)b[m2]);
if ( h1 == 0 && h2 == 0 ){ fade2();}
void fade1(){
int p3 = 2; int px3 = 40; int py3 = 150;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){
tft.pushImage( p3 + 2*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[11]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 5*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[11]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 2*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[10]);
tft.pushImage( p3 + 5*px3, py3, 35,67, (uint16_t *)m[10]);
void fade2(){
int p3 = 2; int px3 = 40; int py3 = 150;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){
//#include <AtWiFi.h>
#include <rpcWiFi.h>
const char *ssid = "your_ssid";
const char *password = "your_passwd";
書き込み後に「picocom /dev/ttyACM0 -b115200」で通信ソフトを起動すると以下のような出力が表示される:
$ picocom /dev/ttyACM0 -b115200
Terminal ready
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